Upgrade Today to Enjoy More Features and Integrations

You can continue using Folyeo for FREE, but if you want to experience the rest of our features and integrations, you can quickly UPGRADE to a PREMIUM account.

100% GDPR compliant & secure
No credit card required

Go annual and get

2 months FREE


Monthly Annual


$0 / month
$0 / year

Our Free Package offers a great way to get started on Folyeo.

  • Calendar connection
  • Unlimited number of clients
  • Unlimited bookings per month
  • Create 1-on-1 event or package
  • Single or multiple sessions
  • Member support via email


$29 / month
$290 / year $348 / year

Our Premium Package offers advantage for your business.

  • Everything in Free Plan + more…
  • Create group events or packages
  • Payments with Stripe & Paypal
  • Connect to email marketing tools
  • Embed scheduler into your website
  • Priority Support


$39 / month
$390 / year $468 / year

Our Premium Package offers advantage for your business.

  • Everything in Free Plan + more…
  • Create group events or packages
  • Payments with Stripe & Paypal
  • Connect to email marketing tools
  • Embed scheduler into your website
  • Priority Support

Features by Plan

Choose the features you need and lock in the plan that works for your business! Even our free plan is packed-full of features and integrations. You can always upgrade later as your business grows.

Go annual and get

2 months FREE


Monthly Annual


Free $0 / month

Professional $39 / month

Business $39 / month

Account/User 1 1 1
Calendar connection 1 1 1
Active Package or Event Types 1 Unlimited Unlimited
Bookings per month Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Connect to your Google Calendar or MS Outlook Calendar Yes Yes Unlimited
Create One-on-One Appointments Yes Yes Yes
Personal booking link Yes Yes Yes
Single session availability Yes Yes Yes
Automatic time zone conversion for clients Yes Yes Yes
Standard confirmation,follow-up, reminder, cancellation email notifications Yes Yes Yes
Offer unlimited appointments Yes Yes Yes
Client self-scheduling Yes Yes Yes
Email support Yes Yes Yes
Data Deletion Yes Yes Yes
Custom day availability (Blocked-Off Time) Yes Yes Yes
Two-Factor Authentication via email Yes Yes Yes
Sync with Google Calendar and MS Outlook Calendar Yes Yes Yes
Create Group Appointments No Yes Yes
Embed scheduler into your website No Yes Yes
Remove "Powered by" Folyeo Branding on your scheduler No Yes Yes
Remove "Header" on your scheduler No Yes Yes
Offer appointment packages (including payment plans) No Yes Yes
Accept and collect payments and subscription through Stripe or PayPal No Yes Yes
Connect to Mailchimp No Yes Yes
Connect to Aweber No Yes Yes
Connect to Active Campaign No Yes Yes
Connect to ConvertKit No Yes Yes
Priority Support No Yes Yes
Customized Confirmation Redirect No Yes
Integrated email messaging No Yes
Create Surveys or Intake Forms No Yes
Custom fields No Yes
Notes, Journals and Contracts storage place No Yes
Two-Factor Authentication via SMS No Yes
Multiple sessions availability No Yes
Documents Storage 2gb 10gb 20gb


Free $0 / month

Account/User 1
Calendar connection 1
Active Package or Event Types 1
Bookings per month Unlimited
Connect to your Google Calendar or MS Outlook Calendar Yes
Create One-on-One Appointments Yes
Personal booking link Yes
Single session availability Yes
Automatic time zone conversion for clients Yes
Standard confirmation,follow-up, reminder, cancellation email notifications Yes
Offer unlimited appointments Yes
Client self-scheduling Yes
Email support Yes
Data Deletion Yes
Custom day availability (Blocked-Off Time) Yes
Two-Factor Authentication via email Yes
Sync with Google Calendar and MS Outlook Calendar Yes
Create Group Appointments No
Embed scheduler into your website No
Remove "Powered by" Folyeo Branding on your scheduler No
Remove "Header" on your scheduler No
Offer appointment packages (including payment plans) No
Accept and collect payments and subscription through Stripe or PayPal No
Connect to Mailchimp No
Connect to Aweber No
Connect to Active Campaign No
Connect to ConvertKit No
Priority Support No
Customized Confirmation Redirect No
Integrated email messaging No
Create Surveys or Intake Forms No
Custom fields No
Notes, Journals and Contracts storage place No
Two-Factor Authentication via SMS No
Multiple sessions availability No
Documents Storage 2gb


Professional $39 / month

Account/User 1
Calendar connection 1
Active Package or Event Types Unlimited
Bookings per month Unlimited
Connect to your Google Calendar or MS Outlook Calendar Yes
Create One-on-One Appointments Yes
Personal booking link Yes
Single session availability Yes
Automatic time zone conversion for clients Yes
Standard confirmation,follow-up, reminder, cancellation email notifications Yes
Offer unlimited appointments Yes
Client self-scheduling Yes
Email support Yes
Data Deletion Yes
Custom day availability (Blocked-Off Time) Yes
Two-Factor Authentication via email Yes
Sync with Google Calendar and MS Outlook Calendar Yes
Create Group Appointments Yes
Embed scheduler into your website Yes
Remove "Powered by" Folyeo Branding on your scheduler Yes
Remove "Header" on your scheduler Yes
Offer appointment packages (including payment plans) Yes
Accept and collect payments and subscription through Stripe or PayPal Yes
Connect to Mailchimp Yes
Connect to Aweber Yes
Connect to Active Campaign Yes
Connect to ConvertKit Yes
Priority Support Yes
Customized Confirmation Redirect Yes
Integrated email messaging Yes
Create Surveys or Intake Forms Yes
Custom fields Yes
Notes, Journals and Contracts storage place Yes
Two-Factor Authentication via SMS Yes
Multiple sessions availability Yes
Documents Storage 10gb


Business $39 / month

Account/User 1
Calendar connection 1
Active Package or Event Types Unlimited
Bookings per month Unlimited
Connect to your Google Calendar or MS Outlook Calendar Unlimited
Create One-on-One Appointments Yes
Personal booking link Yes
Single session availability Yes
Automatic time zone conversion for clients Yes
Standard confirmation,follow-up, reminder, cancellation email notifications Yes
Offer unlimited appointments Yes
Client self-scheduling Yes
Email support Yes
Data Deletion Yes
Custom day availability (Blocked-Off Time) Yes
Two-Factor Authentication via email Yes
Sync with Google Calendar and MS Outlook Calendar Yes
Create Group Appointments Yes
Embed scheduler into your website Yes
Remove "Powered by" Folyeo Branding on your scheduler Yes
Remove "Header" on your scheduler Yes
Offer appointment packages (including payment plans) Yes
Accept and collect payments and subscription through Stripe or PayPal Yes
Connect to Mailchimp Yes
Connect to Aweber Yes
Connect to Active Campaign Yes
Connect to ConvertKit Yes
Priority Support Yes
Customized Confirmation Redirect
Integrated email messaging
Create Surveys or Intake Forms
Custom fields
Notes, Journals and Contracts storage place
Two-Factor Authentication via SMS
Multiple sessions availability
Documents Storage 20gb

Welcome to Folyeo

Register now and enjoy your hub for scheduling meetings.

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